Russian Association of Controllers (in english)

Russian Association of Controllers membership composed of individuals and professional organizations working in areas of controlling at the enterprises and the organizations of various branches of a national economy.

Main purposes

to promote philosophy and methodology of controlling;
to maintain the communications and accumulation of a professional information among the experts, occupied with problems of development and introduction of controlling;
to contribute the training of personnel for the enterprises and organizations;
to promote rise of professional qualification level of the controllers.

Main objectives

the working out of controlling uniform terminology;
the establishing of communication with unions and associations of controllers abroad;
the publishing and distribution of materials of the Russian Association of Controllers on actual problems on controlling;
organization on regular base (not less often than two times per a year) meetings of Association of Controllers for discussion of problems of the controlling theory and practice;
the working out of the recommendations for the specialists, occupied with practical realization of a system of controlling at the enterprises and the organizations;
the working out of unified strategy of training of specialists in field of controlling for educational institutions.

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